Durham Women Rising LAUNCH
Having renamed ourselves and arranged for our own logo to be designed, Durham Women Rising will officially launch on Tuesday 10th December, from 4-5pm in the Boardroom of Durham University’s Ustinov College.
* Our launch will be hosted by Professor Nicole Westmarland, who co-founded and co-directs the Durham University Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse.
* It will be an opportunity to get a flavour of the programme we have lined up for February and March to challenge the all-too-prevalent culture of violence against women, whilst celebrating women in as many different ways as we can.
* On the day that our Police and Crime Commissioner, Ron Hogg, launches a North East region-wide Strategy to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls together with Vera Baird QC and Barry Coppinger, you will have the opportunity to ask Ron what the strategy means for us in Durham, including how he intends to work with all of us to ensure the strategy is implemented effectively.
* You’ll get a flavour of the creativity we hope to bring to our festival programme with some performance poetry hot off the press from Durham University’s Feminist Society poetry slam!
* We’ll also hear about the very important It Happens Here campaign.